Take a change you are recommending for Air Canada and develop a communication pl

Take a change you are recommending for Air Canada and develop a communication plan for them to address economical issue :
Economic Factors There is little doubt that the collapse of domestic and international flights during the pandemic has had a significant impact on the finances of Air Canada, which has only been exacerbated by a newer and much more catastrophic wave of COVID-19 spread. While airlines throughout the globe have suffered losses due to the epidemic, it is difficult to overlook the political ramifications of limiting services to smaller commercial centres that have few other options for transportation. Financial support from European governments for airlines to weather the storm of travel restrictions and the lockout has already reached tens of billions in bailout funds. Whereas Canada’s troubled airlines have been allowed to benefit from the same subsidies as other  firms, but a larger rescue package for airlines has been stalled because of a disagreement about where the money would go. Customers who missed flights are still waiting for reimbursements from airlines and governments, and consumer organizations to some degree (MacGregor, 2021). It has been a challenging but inevitable decision for Air Canada to change their itinerary further and streamline their transborder, Caribbean and domestic routes in addition to highlighting demand and decreasing cash burn after the adoption of these additional travel bans and other countermeasures by the federal government as well as the current quarantine regulations by the provinces. Even if the government loses additional positions, the public uproar over the loss of service to tiny metro centres throughout America will likely draw their attention. Moreover, there has been a steady growth in the popularity of staycation in Canada for some time now. Toward the end of 2020, Ottawa promised millions of dollars to increase its visibility in the country (Berthiaume, 2020). At a time when Air Canada’s domestic market faces several financial and logistical challenges, this is welcome news. In addition to the monies released by the Minister of Economic Development, another $30 million (MacGregor, 2021) was allocated to the government tourist marketing agency with the goal of attracting international visitors. The future of this business, which generated more than $100 billion to the Canadian economy prior to COVID and supported 1.8 million employment (Press, 2020), is dependent on a coordinated strategy for rehabilitation and reopening that incorporates involvement from the tourist industry. Airfare in Canada is expensive, according to Lindeman (2019). Travelling from one part of the nation to the other might be pretty expensive. Also, it has been stated that Canadians spend more than double the amount that Americans do for domestic flights that are of comparable length. There is a lot of money to be made by Air Canada even if many customers find it difficult to travel  on their planes. The fact that Air Canada’s earnings in 2019 were C$19.1 billion, compared to C$18 billion in 2018, is worth highlighting (Wolfsteller, 2020). However, 2020 has been a year of severe financial difficulties due to domestic and international aircraft grounding. As a result, the airline has requested financial aid from the Canadian government to sustain the business. Furthersome, if the government backs Air Canada, the company says it would preserve its present personnel, honour collective bargaining agreements, and safeguard employees’ pensions. The corporation presently employs 14,859 people in Canada, although it formerly employed more than 38,000 people (Sumers, 2020) until the loss of income forced it to lay off tens of thousands of workers.
Answer Below Questions:  (We are trying to implement change management for Air Canada so that economic issues
are addressed)
7. Overall key message. (Why being done, how being done, when being done, to whom being done).8pts
8.  What is the single most important message that must be remembered? (Called SOCO…Single Overriding Communication Objective). 8 pts
9. Communication tools to be used and why. 8 pts 

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