Directions: Format: A professionally written formal paper, 6-8 pages in length.

Format: A professionally written formal paper, 6-8 pages in length. Do not use personal pronouns in this paper. Use a formal, scholarly voice in your writing. Use current APA format and grammar. Be sure to include citations of appropriate course materials as well as outside scholarly references.
For this paper, you will utilize concepts covered throughout the units to address your entry into an MSN-prepared nursing role. You will need to address the following:
Describe your future professional role. Include a discussion of the role expectations, competencies, etc.
Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) is “a member of the professional staff, the CNL is responsible administratively to the unit administrator/nurse manger or equivalent depending upon the type of health care setting/unit” (Spross et al., 2004).
“The master’s prepared nurse provides and coordinates comprehensive care for patients–individuals, families, groups, and communities–in multiple and varied settings” (2011).
· planning,
o Evaluate staffing patterns/needs
o Monitor a budget
o Assess staff satisfaction
· organizing,
o Manage project plans
o Manage disaster & emergency planning
· leading,
o Promote team dynamics
· ethical issues,
o Monitor and report sentinel events
· delivering health care
Address how Benner’s Novice to Expert model relates to the consideration of your future role.
Benner’s Novice to Expert model steps: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert.
· Novice- nursing student or no experience.
· advanced beginner- new grad nurse out of their orientation period.
· competent nurse- few years of experience; is organized and efficient at what they set out to do.
· A proficient nurse- cares for the patient as a whole; they can look at the bigger picture instead of just the current problem.
· An expert nurse is the last step. This nurse has extensive knowledge in their area and a complete grasp of the patient’s situation.
As a proficient nurse on the bedside, I will be a beginner as a nurse manager. It will take time to adjust to the new role-however, with. The skill set that the MSN program officers the adjustment should be okay.
“The Novice to Expert Model introduced by Dr Patricia Benner in 1982 is generated from the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition and essentially discusses how an individual gains new skills and knowledge from novice stage to expert stage” (Ozdemir, 2019).
Proficient nurses “are able to assume the leadership roles in hospital managements or professional organizations to define and implement strategies or procedures that guide that less experienced nurses and novice students learn and implement individualized care practices” (Ozdemir, 2019).
Identify a clinical issue/care delivery problem you have recognized in your practice as a BSN. Address how the involvement of an MSN- prepared nurse can support the resolution of the issue.
A clinical problem that I have recognized is nurse retention. There are many reasons that it is hard to retain nurses; burnout, long shifts; poor working conditions.
Bedside nurses are the backbone to the healthcare system.
“In 2020, the average turnover rate for registered nurses that work in hospitals across the United States stood at 18.7 percent” (Turnover of Registered Nurses in Hospitals in the U.s. 2020, n.d.).
“The involvement of an MSN- prepared nurse can support the resolution of the issue by offering flexibility to scheduling needs; maintaining a open line of communication; advocate for your staffs well-being” (2011).
(Essential III: Quality Improvement and Safety)
safety – “Graduates of master’s-level programs must be able to analyze systems and work to create a just culture of safety in which personnel feel comfortable disclosing errors—including their own—while maintaining professional 14 accountability” (2011).
(Essential VI: Health Policy and Advocacy)
“Giving voice and persuasion to needs and preferred direction at the individual, institution, state, or federal policy level is integral for the master’s-prepared nurse” (2011).
“The way nurse managers communicate with staff can lead to better company outcomes, including nursing satisfaction and retention” (Periut, 2021).
“Healthier work environments lead to more satisfied nurses who will result in better job performance and higher quality of patient care, which will subsequently improve healthcare organizations’ financial viability” (Wei et al., 2018).
4. Address actual or potential ethics relating to your selected clinical issue/care delivery problem. Outline the steps an MSN-prepared nurse might take to demonstrate leadership in ethical consideration of the issue.
· Ethical Problem: the nurses code of ethics is that a nurse’s main obligation is to promote the patient’s safety and wellbeing. There becomes an ethical problem when the nurse is pulled to thin due to a nurse shortage. With the low retention rates the nurses that are left working the floor have higher patient loads. These nurses, now having more patients, may be putting their patients at risk because they are unable to pride adequate care.
· How an MSN manager can address this Ethical Dilemma: As the manager it is your responsibility implement efforts to keep the patient-nurse ratio within safe guidelines. This is done through recruiting new nurse and retaining staff. Timely scheduling should be done. The manager should pick up shifts and support fellow staff if needed. Let higher management know of any staffing problems, and prioritize care based on patient needs or status. Offer approved bonuses and or incentives for extra shifts.
Select and discuss 3-4 Master’s Essentials relevant to the clinical issue/care delivery problem. Explain how the Master’s Essentials you selected can be applied to your identified practice problem.
Use appropriate resources from the literature. Must include references provided in course when discussing role competencies and Master’s Essentials (e.g. Benner’s theory, role competencies, role theory, etc.). Additionally, a minimum of 3-4 outside (non-course provided) scholarly journal articles must be included.
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