1. Your paper must be in third-person, Times New Roman or Garamond, 11-12pt font

1. Your paper must be in third-person, Times New Roman or Garamond, 11-12pt font and use MLA format for in-text citations.
2. The minimum word count for this essay is 1000+ DOUBLE SPACED.
3. You may use any source article online as long as it has an author (you may include as many source articles as you want in your essay). * You must quote at least once from your articles using correct introduction of that source and correct MLA format when quoting and citing.
4. Your full name, date. my name and course number should be in top LEFT of paper (single spaced)
5. You should insert a header on top right with just your last name and the page number.
6. You should include a Works Cited page on separate page at end of essay.
7. Make sure that you include your BADSOC rating of your sources and the total word count of your essay (just the essay part – nothing else) on the last page of your essay (maybe under your Works Cited)
8. Don’t forget a title! 11-12pt not bolded.
9. Remember – no “gaps” in between paragraphs (everything double-spaced).
Please use this article as the source and examples/ quotes within the essay: https://www.thoughtco.com/republic-vs-democracy-4169936

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