Kim, M.M., Calloway, M.O., & Seiz-Campbell, L. (2004). A two-level community int

Kim, M.M., Calloway, M.O., & Seiz-Campbell, L. (2004). A two-level community intervention model for homeless mothers with mental health or substance abuse disorders.
Article Review Checklist
Template/Checklist for Article Reviews
Each student is expected to complete and submit 4 article review in sessions 2, 3, 4, and 5.. The permalinks for the peer reviewed articles are included in the course. You must click on the link and it will take you directly to the SWU Rickman Library. You will need to type in your SWU username & password which should gain you direct access to the article.
The article review should follow a structure wherein you summarize the article and add your own comments, analysis, observations and reactions. The review should end with a full APA style citation for the article that is being reviewed. All papers are to be written in the third person as a professional paper.
The summary of the article must be less than half of the review; your comments, analyses, and reactions must be the remainder of the review. A very good rule of thumb is to keep the summary of the article to one page (which means that the summary will be very general), and reserve the remainder of the review for comments, reactions, and analyses. The summary of an article must cover the entire article; you should focus on the general points and logic of the article. In the comments/analysis/observations/reactions, you may focus on a part of the article or selected points from the article. You should mention a couple of things that they specifically learned from the article, as well as your personal reactions and analysis. It is appropriate to synthesize the article with material encountered in this or other courses.
Remember that the instructor has read all the material in the course; it is your job to convince the instructor you have read and thought about the material. The instructor wants to see evidence that you worked to understand the material. The reviews should have a minimum word count of 650 words (i.e., 2 full pages) and a maximum word count of 750 words (i.e., 3 full pages), written in double-spaced word-processed pages (10-12 point font size, and maximum 1 inch margins). Failure to meet the formatting and minimum word count requirements may result in a deduction of 1 point for each requirement (i.e., word count, font size, margins) that is not met. Remember again to keep the summary of an article to no more than half of the review. Failure to include a clearly discernible comments/analysis/observations/reactions portion of the paper will automatically make the review inadequate. The instructor will grade each Article Review in terms of the amount of thought it reflects. Particular attention will be paid to the following dimensions: 1) organization; the writing and structure of the paper should flow smoothly and clearly, without awkward or unclear sentences, 2) content or critical analysis; the quality of thought, revealed in the quality of the summary of the article, and the quality of the analysis, comments, or observations, 3) grammar and mechanics: the presence or absence of ungrammatical sentences or spelling errors. A formatting checklist is included in the assignment description in the course.

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