I need a reply to this essay that one of my classmates post. The Theory of Unpl

I need a reply to this essay that one of my classmates post.
The Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms emerged in 1993 through two efforts from clinical practice and empirical research. This theory was developed because of a need to portray multiple symptoms occurring together and relating to each other in an additive or multiplicative manner, and potentially catalyzing each other. These symptoms also have antecedent influencing factors that are categorized as physiological, psychological, and situational or environmental. They are interactive and reciprocal as they relate to one another and to the symptoms (Peterson, 2019)
If I had to look for an assessment tool for patient symptoms, I would look for one that analyzed the symptoms in a measurable dimension of intensity, the timing of it, with measure of its frequency, duration, relation of onset to precipitating events. That also assigns the persons meaning of it, ad the quality, that refers to the description used to characterize the way the symptom feels and its location (Peterson, 2019).
Furthermore, this assessment tool should have also an evaluation of the antecedent factors that are categorized as physiological, psychological, or situational. And they should include the individual age, gender, precipitating illness or dysfunction, comorbidities or any other physiological finding that can be attributed to the illness or its treatment. The perceived self-efficacy and the meaning of the symptom by the patient. And include as well the aspects of the physical environment that may affect the individual’s symptom experiences, like noise, temperature, social support, marital status, cultural background, occupation, available resources, relationship with the health care personnel (Peterson, 2019).
This assessment tool would also have to evaluate the quality of life as a potentially important outcome and evaluate multiple symptoms as potentially occurring simultaneously and interacting with one another, and how these symptoms influence the performance of the patient that, likewise, reciprocally affects the symptoms experience.
Finally, this assessment tool would need to provide a sound basis for designing symptom assessment and management of the interventions. Interventions would address the influencing factors that are amenable to change, including psychological issues, particularly anxiety and depression. The performance outcomes would be assessed regularly to monitor change and the plan of care would include regular short- and long-term symptom and performance monitoring, and instruction to encourage patient self-monitoring and self-care. (Lenz, 2018).
Peterson, S., & Bredow, T. S. (2019). Middle Range Theories (5th Edition). Wolters Kluwer
Health. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781975149062
Lenz, E. R. (2018). Application of the theory of unpleasant symptoms in practice: A challenge for nursing. Investigación en Enfermería: Imagen y desarrollo, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.11144/javeriana.ie20-1.atus

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