The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to reflect back on

The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to reflect back on what inspiration you will take with you through the program, the opportunity to reflect on what lessons you will take away from the course, and the ability to write a letter to your future self about where you hope you will be when you graduate from Chamberlain.
Download the Final Project Assignment Guidelines (Links to an external site.) here.
NR103 Final Project (Mar20)
NR103 Final Project (Mar20)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLetter for Graduation
Required criterion:
Letter presented in class, in a sealed envelope with name present.
30 pts
Highest Level of Performance
Criterion met
0 pts
Criterion not met
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInspiration
Required criteria:
1. Picture, collage, or series of quotes
2. Reflect motivation for and/ or meaning of inspiration
3. Graphics relate or are relevant to the topic
30 pts
Highest Level of Performance
All criteria met
0 pts
One or more criteria not met
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection Presentation
Required criteria:
1. Describes the inspiration and the relationship of the inspiration to being a nurse
2. Defines one concept that was challenging about the course
3. Discusses the most important lesson learned
4. Summarizes how the NR103 course will help with preparation to be successful at Chamberlain.
65 pts
Highest Level of Performance
All criteria met
55 pts
High Level of Performance
Three criteria met
49 pts
Two criteria met
0 pts
One or no criteria met
65 pts
Total Points: 125

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