This is a discussion reply to 2 posts. The replies only have to be 150 words eac

This is a discussion reply to 2 posts. The replies only have to be 150 words each.
The first reply is on the following:
Edward Magano, the county executor for Nassau county, was sentenced to prison for 12 years on charges of bribery. For five years, Mr. Magano was accepting bribes from from Herendra Singh. Singh owned a restaurant in Mr. Magano’s county. In receipt of these bribes, evidence shows that Singh was getting aid from Mr. Magano from loans up to twenty million dollars. Mr. Magano would also make it a practice to steer high level contacts toward Singh’s restaurant. The bribes came in the form of a family vacation, expensive jewelry, a massage chair, etc. to the Magano family. The Maganos have never accepted responsibility for their crimes even after Singh confessed to offering the bribes. Sources state that Mr. Magano displayed corrupt tendencies since first taking office. This is just one more case of corruption shown in the political system of our country. (O’Brien, 2022).
In business law, bribery is considered a white collar crime that covers giving or receiving money to influence someone in powers decisions. The laws against bribery were created to increase trust in the institution of government. In order to prove bribery something of valued must be offered or given to a federal official in order to sway a decision or gain trust. (Kubasek, 2019, pg. 113) “And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.” (King James Bible, 1973, Exodus 23:8). This Bible verse applies to corruption in the warning that those that go into office with the best intentions can easily fall unless they hold steadfast onto their faith. Unless politicians head into their positions with a strong foundation of faith, then they are open to the temptations that will commonly be offered to them. This ethical issues with this kind of bribery is that in alienates the constituents who put their trust in this politician. The politician is endowed to meet the needs of the people and put their needs last. When Mr. Manago accepted bribes for contracts, he was only focusing on his gain. He was not enabling a fair shot to those businesses to put in their bids in a fair and ethical manner. Anti bribery legislation was created to put in a place where trust in government went about the level of money. Disavowing this trust causes mistrust in the whole system. People have begun to have a great distrust of politicians for this reason. Corruption becomes a major human rights issue in the government sector. (Spalding, et. al, 2016).
In the position of government where there is a possibility to succumb to corruption, I would enact several policies in prevention efforts. The first one I would implement would be a public procurement policy. This would allow the public to have visibility to procurement processes to include: relationships with business entities, bids, and weighing criteria for each government contract. Public access to information will deter corruption. It gives the people an opportunity to transparently see where their money is being put to use. It also gives the people a voice to speak out against possible corruption before it hurts constituents. (Prevention, 2022.) This would include public expenditure tracking. If the government has to show what they are spending their money on then they will feel less likely to mismanage their relationships. This could be aided by creating a body that manages the accounting for public offices. People are less likely to be deceptive if they are in a group rather than an individual. Fiduciary governing authorities are imperative for checks and balances to combat corruptions. (Menocal, 2022, pg. 59-63).
Holman Bible Publishers. (1973). King James Bible.
Kubasek, N. (2019). Biblical Worldview Edition of Dynamic Business Law (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill. .
Menocal, A. R. (2015, September 7). Why corruption matters: Understanding causes, effects and how to address them. GSDRC. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from
O’brien, R. D. (2022, April 14). Former Nassau County Executive sentenced to 12 years in bribery scheme. The New York Times. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from
Prevention. United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime. (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2022, from,system%20for%20prevention%20of%20corruption.
Spalding, A., & Murray, M. (2016, July 28). Freedom from official corruption as a human right. Brookings. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from (Links to an external site.)
The second reply is on the following:
Depp-Heard 2022
One would basically have to live under a rock at the end of a five-mile cave below the deepest waters of the Atlantic not to have heard about the Johnny Depp – Amber Heard trial that is underway in Fairfax, Virginia. It engulfs the daily news. Social media is literally plagued with memes, articles, and jokes. If one decides to scroll Facebook or Instagram you can forget prom pictures, graduation pictures, and glorious celebrations because you will, without a doubt, see post after post about Johnny and Amber. Sadly, this trial has been turned into a mockery when in fact it is a horrible display of mutual abuse and a failed marriage. “Depp-Heard 2022, is the sludge pit of an outlandishly toxic relationship” (Winter, 2022, para. 1). Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for $50 million dollars in damages and Heard is countersuing for $100 million, although Johnny denies being physically violent with Amber, she claims she was only violent as an act of self-defense.
Ethical Issue
The ethical dilemmas portrayed in this situation is many, but I will focus on the alleged abuse of both parties. Throughout the trial, jurors have heard outlandish and down-right tragic reports of abuse by both parties. It has been said that Heard cut off Johnny’s finger, in which he wrote messages in blood and Johnny sent her to photo shoots bruised and marred from acts of violence. As entertaining as one may find it to hear about the gruesome and graphic details of their failing relationship, our Lord never intended marriage to be a battle of abuse and tragedy. In Matthew 10:7-9 we are told, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate” (NKJV, 1980). Even the most devoted Christian can find it hard to become a one flesh with their spouse. When God states no longer two, but one flesh His purpose and command to us is to bring our wills in alignment with His that we may pray and seek Him as one flesh to obtain His perfect will for our marriage. However, this marriage was troubled before the suit was ever filed, and the trial ever started. As testimony took place we hear of sinful and humiliating text that Depp sent to a friend before the two wed in which he calls her a worthless w*, jokes he’ll smack the ugly c* around, and shares a brainstorm with Paul Bettany: Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! I will f* her burnt corpse to make sure she’s dead” (Winter, 2022, para. 5). Can anyone really survive the abuse that has been declared by the testimonies of these two? Domestic violence has been defined as “as any action of violence perpetrated within the context of significant interpersonal relationship” (Rakovec-Felser, 2018, p.3). It is safe to say both parties are guilty. Therefore how does a jury decide who should win the case? “Although both men and women initiate violence, the violence enforced by women is less frequently and has less severe consequences compared to male offenders” (Rakovec-Felser, 2018, p. 3). However, one may argue this case goes against norms considering it has been confimed in testimony that Heard cut off Depp’s finger. So, can it be argued that Heard’s extreme act of abuse is a direct result of the extreme abuse of Depp and vice versa? Therefore, creating the sadistic circle of domestic violence that we hear about frequently when talking to victims and survivors. However, Winter (2022) wrote, Heard does not call herself a victim or survivor but a public-figure representing domestic violence. One may find this interesting. In addition, Depp is a super star, with numerous roles under his belt including a Disney movie franchise. Some may wonder if this is not just his role of a lifetime. Has he played so many characters and parts that his relationship, marriage, seperation, and trial are all just another role with the world as his theatre? I would not want to be on the jury for this trial. I would not want the enormous responsibility of trying to decide who is right, who is wrong, who is lying, and who is telling the truth. A gag order for both parties immediately issued may have prevented some of the circus the public is witnessing now. Both parties could be considered to have public figure privilege thus a gag order would curve the talk. Both parties have spoke with malice. If a gag order was issued immediately perhaps the gossip would not have gotten so out of control. A gag order was issued in the Micheal Jackson case which prohibed all parties from discissing the case in any manner (Rodriquez, 2022). This case is currently being tried by the public. There is no winner, both parties will spend the rest of their lives recovering.
Biblical Worldview
The Lord never leaves us questioning or wondering how to be fruitful and successful in any area of our life. We have a very clear and concise pattern to follow for marriage. “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them” (NKJV, 1980, Colossians 3:18-19). Marriage is intended to be a blood convenant between God, husband, and wife this lays a solid and secure foundation in which to build upon. Unfortunatly long before the marriage between Johnny and Amber took place the foundation was cracked, flawed, and non-existent. One can almost say with certainity it was doomed before it started. The only way to have prevented this trian wreck would have been total and complete repentance and acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior. With repentance comes change. After repentance both parties could have worked together as one flesh to seek healing and restoration. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (NKJV, 1980, Pslam 147:3). If at any point they would have sought our Lord, things could have been turned around. For nothing is too big, too horrible, or too far gone for our Lord.
New King James Version. (1980). Thomas Nelson
Rakovec-Felser, Z. (2018, October 22). Domestic Violence and Abuse in Intimate Relationship
from Public Health Perspective. Health Psychology Research, 2(1821), 3.
Rodriquez, S. (2022). Steohen G Rodriquez and Partners . Retrieved from Los Angeles Criminal Defense Firm:
Winter, J. (2022, May 23). The Johnny Depp-Amber Heard Trial is not as complicated as you may think. The New Yorker.

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