Module 3 Paper Directions Attached Files: CLICK HERE! Writing about Literature –

Module 3 Paper Directions
Attached Files:
CLICK HERE! Writing about Literature – Transitioning from Interpreting to Analyzing to Brainstorming CLICK HERE! Writing about Literature – Transitioning from Interpreting to Analyzing to Brainstorming – Alternative Formats (24.007 KB)
CLICK HERE FOR MORE HELP Drafting and Polishing a Literary Analysis CLICK HERE FOR MORE HELP Drafting and Polishing a Literary Analysis – Alternative Formats (139.358 KB)
CLICK HERE FOR EVEN MORE on How to Write a Literary Analysis CLICK HERE FOR EVEN MORE on How to Write a Literary Analysis – Alternative Formats (102.385 KB)
Choose one (1) of the prompts below for our paper topic:
Option 1: How does death shape our daily lives? Choose one of the following works and explore how the text addresses this question: “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,” “Annabel Lee,” “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” “I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died,” or “The Open Boat.”
Option 2: How does economic class shape people’s everyday lives? Choose one of the following works and explore how the text addresses this question: “My Papa’s Waltz,” “Those Winter Sundays,” “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” or “Still I Rise.”
Draft your paper by following the writing process. For this paper, you need:
Solid organization
Clear introduction
Debatable thesis statement
Clear body paragraphs that defend your thesis statement and that regularly analyze literary elements
Support for your analysis with quotes and paraphrases from the short story or poem (your primary source) accompanied by MLA internal and external citations
Credible researched information that helps substantiate points in your analysis—cited in MLA format.
Satisfying conclusion
Research and references to at least one (1) scholarly, credible researched source
Source must be scholarly and credible; the best source will be from GALILEO, website, or a .gov website
All researched sources must pass the CRAAP test
Source must be quoted and/or paraphrase properly with MLA internal and external citations
See research, GALILEO, and CRAAP test details below.
MLA format for the document and citations
At least 1000 words
Remember to edit, revise, and proofread your paper; use Smarthinking (online tutor here in Blackboard)–see directions below; and polish your paper and turn it in by the deadline.
Tips: The hyperlinks and attachments included with these directions will help you on your Module 3 Quiz and on your Module 3 Paper. The “Writing, Researching, and Citing Help” folder below the directions will also help you write and polish your Module 3 Paper.
Writing, Researching, and Citing Help
Writing, Researching, and Citing Help
Click on this folder for resources on…
The writing process
Writing literary analysis
Literary elements
Locating scholarly, credible sources
Quoting and paraphrasing sources in your writing
Using MLA documentation and format
Avoiding plagiarism
Revising and editing writing
Module 3 Peer Review
Module 3 Peer Review
Copy-and-paste your full draft of your paper to this peer-review discussion forum. With your paper post, let your classmates know what you’d like help with the most.
Reply to at least 2 (two) classmates’ papers in at least 200 words (for each reply). Replies must identify areas in which 1) the writer is doing well and 2) the writer needs support. Be sure to identify specific issues that need attention, and give the writer page numbers from our online textbook or links to Purdue OWL webpages that will help them address that issue in their writing. Note: formats will be funky because we are copy-and-pasting papers into the forum; however, if you notice there is a significant issue with MLA citations, you may leave a helpful comment about these issues. Also make sure the writer is staying on topic and following directions. If you notice a classmate has already received several replies, move on to a less-discussed paper so everyone gets the support they need.
After we wrap up replies, begin heavily polishing your paper based on peer-review discussions. Remember, you can also use Smarthinking to work on your paper with an online tutor. Make sure you exceed the requirements outlined in the directions for the paper, and come to me with any questions you have.

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