What were your first impressions of the organization or topic you worked with before starting your project? How did that change after working on the project?

Please check the comment and my draft. rewrite or add more in the Reflections of the Experience part
This section provides the opportunity to reflect on your project experience. Consider the below questions but do not just answer these questions. It is not appropriate to use bullet points. Write a narrative and incorporate your responses to the below in your writing:
• What were your first impressions of the organization or topic you worked with before starting your project? How did that change after working on the project?
• How was this experience similar or different from what you expected?
• How did volunteering for this organization confirm or change your perspective relative to what you learned in Technology Management courses?
• What were the most challenging parts of the project and experience?
• What did you learn about yourself as a result of completing this project?
• In addition to your previously stated Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work, if you worked with your client organization, what operational changes would you recommend for them?

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