Part 1: Personal Statement Share your motivation for pursuing a social work mast

Part 1: Personal Statement
Share your motivation for pursuing a social work master’s from Case Western Reserve
University, including:
Your interest in the social work profession, intended concentration/specialization and
career goals, and why the Mandel School is a good fit for your educational goals.
How your background—education, volunteer work, and professional experiences—
will contribute to your success as a graduate student
Any strengths or limitations that may affect your field placement
Part 2: Social Problem-Solving Essay
Show us what you’re passionate about by analyzing a social justice problem that’s important
to you:
What do you think are the causes of the problem?
Assuming no limitations, in what ways could this problem be addressed?
Detail steps for implementation and any challenges that may surface.
The Details
The entire two-part essay should be a maximum of five (5) typed pages,
double-spaced, and in 12-point font. This is your opportunity to demonstrate graduate-level writing skills and your ability to think critically about your future and goals as a
social work leader.

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