Should the Federal Government Be Concerned with What Americans Eat?

Your Tasks
Please address the following in your original post:
Should the federal government be concerned with what Americans eat? Why or why not? (8 points)
Compare or contrast American food laws with those of 1 other country. How are they similar and/or different from one another? (7 points)
The post must be at least 250 words. (2 points)
Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)
In this assignment we will begin to apply what we have learned about healthy diets and macronutrients.
Your Tasks
Imagine that you have a friend or family member that is looking to change some of their nutritional practices (this can either be an actual person in your life or it can be fictitious). What advice would you give them? Make sure to consider the principles of adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation, and variety.
Write a 200+ word response describing the advice that you would give to a family member/friend who is looking to change their nutritional habits. Make sure to address all 5 principles mentioned in Task 1.

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Part 1: Should the Federal Government Be Concerned with What Americans Eat?

The federal government should be concerned with what Americans eat for several important reasons. First, poor dietary habits are closely linked to major health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, all of which place a significant burden on the nation’s healthcare system (HHS, 2020). By promoting healthy eating, the government can help reduce these issues and improve the overall health of the population. Second, the government has the power to influence food production, labeling, and marketing, ensuring that foods available to Americans are safe and nutritious. For example, government regulations can ensure that food manufacturers provide clear nutritional information on labels, helping consumers make informed choices. Additionally, government initiatives like the Dietary Guidelines for Americans offer valuable guidance on how individuals can achieve a balanced diet. However, there are also arguments for personal responsibility and the role of individual choice in dietary decisions. Despite this, when the consequences of poor eating habits affect public health and the economy, the government must take action.

Comparison of U.S. Food Laws with Those of Japan

When comparing American food laws to those in Japan, one clear difference is the focus on preventative health. In Japan, food laws emphasize health promotion and disease prevention, often incorporating traditional food practices and incorporating regulation of salt intake (World Health Organization, 2020). For example, the Japanese government has implemented a “Metabo Law,” which mandates companies to provide programs aimed at reducing obesity, including targeting high-risk individuals and offering annual health screenings. In contrast, American food laws are more reactive, often focusing on regulations once a health issue (such as foodborne illness) arises, rather than proactively reducing risk. Despite these differences, both countries have strict food safety laws and focus on providing consumers with information to make informed choices.

Part 2: Task 1 – Brainstorming Nutritional Advice

If my friend or family member were looking to change their nutritional practices, my advice would be to focus on achieving a balanced, varied, and adequate diet. First, I would emphasize the principle of adequacy—making sure they’re getting the necessary nutrients to support their overall health, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Next, I would highlight balance, encouraging them to consume a variety of food from all food groups, ensuring no single nutrient is overemphasized. It’s important to practice calorie control, ensuring they don’t consume more energy than they burn, while also promoting moderation—enjoying all foods in appropriate portions. Lastly, I would stress the importance of variety in their diet. By introducing new foods and cuisines, they can explore different nutrient sources and prevent dietary monotony. Small, gradual changes can lead to sustainable, long-term improvements in health.


HHS. (2020). The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America. Trust for America’s Health.
World Health Organization. (2020). Nutrition in Japan. World Health Organization.

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