Writing Research Questions Using the PICO Framework and AI

Your Module 2 Discussion consists of four (4) parts. First frame a research question on your topic of interest for this course. Formulate your question using the PICO (T) question template. PICO Template Screenshot Next, create a research problem statement using generative artificial intelligence (AI) software (ChatGPT).https://chatgpt.com/auth/login Copy the AI research statement into the table in the assignment template. Evaluate and critique the AI-generated statement. What is missing? What could be articulated more clearly? Does the statement convey your thoughts and ideas related to your research question? Next, create a new research question statement using your own words and ideas and place it into the table next to the AI-generated statement. AI Generated Problem Statement template screenshot Paste both the PICO question table and the research questions tables into the discussion board box. Write a short paragraph describing your experience writing a research question using AI. Would you recommend this method, why or why not? After completing and posting your four-part initial post, evaluate one of your peer’s questions and offer one affirmation and one suggestion for improvement related to their topic or research problem statement. Guidelines Both the initial and the peer response should include at least one evidence-based reference cited in APA 7th edition. Utilize this PICO and Research Problem Statement Template

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step 1: Frame a Research Question Using the PICO (T) Template

  • P (Population): Define the population or group you want to study.
  • I (Intervention): Identify the intervention, exposure, or variable of interest.
  • C (Comparison): Include a comparison group, if applicable.
  • O (Outcome): Specify the measurable outcomes.
  • (T) (Time): Add a timeframe for the study, if relevant.


Research Topic: Nurse burnout and patient outcomes

  • P: Nurses working in hospital settings
  • I: Implementing stress reduction programs
  • C: Standard nurse workload without additional support
  • O: Reduced nurse burnout and improved patient care quality
  • T: Over 6 months

PICO Question: In nurses working in hospital settings (P), how does implementing stress reduction programs (I) compared to standard nurse workload (C) affect nurse burnout and patient care quality (O) over 6 months (T)?

Step 2: Generate an AI-Generated Problem Statement

  • Use ChatGPT or a similar tool to create a problem statement based on your PICO question.
  • Example Prompt for AI: “Write a research problem statement about the impact of stress reduction programs on nurse burnout and patient care quality in hospitals.”
  • Paste the AI-generated problem statement into the table provided in the assignment template.

Step 3: Critique the AI-Generated Statement

  • Evaluate the AI-generated statement:
    • Strengths: Does it align with your PICO question? Is it clear and focused?
    • Weaknesses: What is missing? Is the context or specificity lacking?
  • Write a brief critique and include it in the discussion.

Step 4: Write a New Problem Statement in Your Own Words

  • Rewrite the problem statement to reflect your unique perspective.
  • Focus on adding details or clarifying points that the AI missed.
  • Place the new problem statement in the table next to the AI-generated version.

Step 5: Paste Tables into the Discussion Post

  • Include both the PICO Question Table and the Research Problem Statement Table in your post. Use the provided template for formatting.

Step 6: Describe Your Experience Using AI

  • Write a short paragraph discussing your experience with AI for writing research questions.
    • Did the AI help generate ideas?
    • Were there limitations in the AI’s understanding of your topic?
    • Would you recommend this method to others, and why?

Step 7: Engage with a Peer’s Post

  • Review one peer’s post and provide:
    • One affirmation: Highlight what they did well (e.g., clarity, alignment with the PICO framework).
    • One suggestion: Offer constructive feedback for improvement (e.g., refining the research problem or making outcomes more specific).

Step 8: Include an Evidence-Based Reference

  • Both your initial post and peer response should include at least one evidence-based reference cited in APA 7th edition.
  • Example:

    American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: APA.

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