Watch the \”Valuing Ethics\” video offered by the Project Management Institute. The video is posted under Required Reading/Videos. If you have trouble with the embedded video, here is a link to the web page where the video is located: Valuing Ethics. If you use the link, please confirm you are watching the correct video. If the assignment doesn\’t make sense to you, it may be that your browser is redirecting you to the wrong video. The speaker in the video is Mark A. Langley, President and CEO of Project Management Institute.
Read the PMI® Ethical Decision Making Framework document. A link is posted under Required Reading/Videos.
Instructions: This assignment is a paper written in APA format. Create an appropriate subheading for each of the three parts of the paper as desribed below. Then provide your answers that fully examines, assesses, or compares the required information. To earn full credit, answers must address the requirements from the rubric. The paper must be 2-4 pages (600-1200 words) total length. In addition, a cover page and reference page are required. The EDMF should be one of the references used.
Part A – Identify & Assess Ethical Dilemma. Based on what you learned from watching the video and reading the Ethics Framework, identify one ethical issue / dilemma that a project manager may face. Do not choose an illegal issue or dilemma as that causes and immediate stop to using the EDMF process. Be specific when desribing the ethical dilemma. Using Step 1 from the EDMF, assess the dilemma. Discuss the complexity of the issue.
Part B – Identify & Assess Potential Solutions. Using Step 2 of the EDMF, identify and describe 2 alternative courses of action that the project manager could take to resolve the ethical issue. Include pros and cons for each of the courses of action.
Part C – Analyze Potential Solutions. Using Step 3 of the EDMF, analyze both courses of action identified in Part B. Idenfity the best course of action. Explain and defend why you feel this is an ethically sound solution. (How does it meet the criteria to move to Step 4 of the EDMF?)
Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!
Step 1: Understand the Assignment
The paper requires a structured analysis of an ethical dilemma using the PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework (EDMF). Break your paper into three parts:
Part A: Identify and assess an ethical dilemma.
Part B: Identify and assess potential solutions.
Part C: Analyze the potential solutions and recommend the best course of action.
Your paper should be 2–4 pages in length, excluding the cover and reference pages.
Step 2: Draft an Outline
Cover Page
Follow APA format: include the title, your name, course information, and date.
Part A: Identify & Assess Ethical Dilemma
Subheading:Identifying and Assessing the Ethical Dilemma
Introduce the PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework (EDMF) and the importance of ethics in project management.
Choose a specific ethical dilemma (e.g., conflict of interest in vendor selection, pressure to reduce project timelines, or misleading stakeholders about progress).
Assess the dilemma using Step 1 of the EDMF:
Identify the facts of the case.
List the affected parties and how they are impacted.
Examine the core ethical values in question (honesty, fairness, transparency, etc.).
Discuss why the dilemma is complex and why it needs careful consideration.
Part B: Identify & Assess Potential Solutions
Subheading:Potential Solutions to the Ethical Dilemma
Present two potential courses of action the project manager could take to resolve the dilemma.
Use Step 2 of the EDMF to evaluate these alternatives:
Option 1: Describe the action, its benefits (pros), and potential downsides (cons).
Option 2: Describe a different course of action, highlighting its pros and cons.
Provide a balanced analysis of each option.
Part C: Analyze Potential Solutions
Subheading:Analysis and Recommended Solution
Use Step 3 of the EDMF to analyze both solutions in detail.
Discuss how each option aligns with ethical principles and PMI values.
Evaluate whether the solutions consider all stakeholders’ needs.
Check for long-term and short-term impacts of each choice.
Recommend the best course of action.
Justify why it is ethically sound and meets the criteria for moving to Step 4 of the EDMF.
Explain how it resolves the dilemma while maintaining trust, transparency, and fairness.
Step 3: Write the Paper
Write an introduction to give context about the PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework and the importance of ethics in project management.
Develop your three sections (Part A, Part B, Part C) following the outline. Use clear subheadings to organize your content.
Conclude by summarizing your main points and reaffirming the importance of ethical decision-making in project management.
Step 4: Research and Cite Sources
Use the EDMF and PMI video as references. Include at least one additional scholarly source.
Cite all references in APA format, including in-text citations and a reference page.
Sample Structure:
Cover Page
Part A: Identifying and Assessing the Ethical Dilemma (2–3 paragraphs)
Part B: Potential Solutions to the Ethical Dilemma (2–3 paragraphs)
Part C: Analysis and Recommended Solution (2–3 paragraphs)
Reference Page
Step 5: Proofread and Finalize
Check for grammar, spelling, and sentence clarity.
Ensure your paper is within the required word count (600–1200 words).
Confirm that your arguments are well-supported with citations and align with the rubric criteria.
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