Develop and write a 4 to 6-page, APA formatted paper that a) compares and b) contrasts the leadership styles and scope of influence of two (2) historical figures. Remember, this is to be a perspective on leadership that requires you to perform research and analysis into how these leaders viewed themselves, and how others viewed them.
- Introduction
- State what made each an effective leader
- Describe how each influence the lives of others positively and/or negatively
- Include how will each be remembered in history
- Provide leadership similarities and differences of the two leaders
- Discuss if you consider either of them servant-leader types
- Conclusion (With the textbook and at least six [6] peer-reviewed sources)
Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!
Step 1: Understand the Assignment
- You are asked to compare and contrast the leadership styles and scope of influence of two historical figures.
- Your paper should be APA formatted (including citations, references, etc.).
- The paper must be 4-6 pages and use at least six peer-reviewed sources in addition to your textbook.
Step 2: Select Two Historical Figures
- Choose two leaders: Select two historical figures that are distinct in their leadership styles but share some common characteristics (e.g., Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt).
- Consider various leadership fields: These figures could come from politics, social movements, or military history. Ensure both figures are prominent enough to have extensive research available.
Step 3: Research the Leaders
- Conduct research: Gather information on the two figures, focusing on their:
- Leadership styles
- Scope of influence
- How they viewed themselves and how others viewed them
- Use a variety of sources: Find at least six peer-reviewed articles and your textbook to form the basis of your analysis.
- Focus on leadership traits: Look for:
- How they made decisions
- How they motivated others
- How they handled crises
- Their interpersonal and communication skills
Step 4: Organize Your Paper
- State what made each an effective leader: Briefly describe what set each leader apart as effective (e.g., vision, charisma, strategic thinking).
- Influence on others: Highlight how each leader’s actions positively and/or negatively impacted the lives of others.
- Legacy: Discuss how they will be remembered in history (e.g., by historians, the public, or specific groups).
- Leadership similarities and differences: Briefly mention the leadership traits that each leader shared and where they diverged.
- Servant-leader type: If applicable, indicate whether you consider either of them a servant leader based on the textbook’s characteristics of servant leadership.
Body of the Paper
- Compare and contrast their leadership styles:
- Leadership styles: Were they autocratic, democratic, transformational, or something else?
- Influence: Analyze how each leader’s influence impacted their followers, allies, or enemies.
- Leadership challenges: Discuss the major challenges each faced and how they handled them.
- Scope of influence: Compare the extent of their influence—did their leadership extend to just a country, a region, or globally?
- Personal and public perception: How did each figure see themselves, and how did others view them? Were they viewed as inspiring, controversial, tyrannical, or transformational?
- Servant leadership: Analyze whether either leader fits the servant leadership model, which focuses on prioritizing the needs of others and creating a positive impact on communities.
- Summary: Recap the major points discussed in your paper—what made each leader effective, their impact, and their legacy.
- Final thoughts: Reflect on your personal view of their leadership. Do you admire one leader’s style more than the other? Which leadership traits do you think are most important based on your analysis?
- Reiterate servant-leadership: Provide a final reflection on whether either leader demonstrated servant leadership.
Step 5: Cite Sources
- Use APA format for your citations and reference list. Ensure all sources are properly cited both in-text and on the reference page.
- Minimum of six peer-reviewed sources: In addition to your textbook, find at least six credible, peer-reviewed articles that discuss leadership, the chosen historical figures, and their influence.
Step 6: Review and Refine
- Edit your paper: Look for clarity, grammar, and logical flow.
- Check the rubric: Make sure you’ve covered all the requirements for comparing, contrasting, and analyzing leadership styles.
- Proofread: Make sure your paper is well-organized and professional, with no spelling or formatting errors.
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