Select a Mannerist painting or sculpture and compare and contrast, in a short es

Select a Mannerist painting or sculpture and compare and contrast, in a short essay 300-600 words in length, contrast it with an appropriate High Renaissance artwork. Answer the below questions in essay form and avoid AI generated text.
1. Discuss the stylistic similarities and differences between the two artworks.
a. How has each artist used, light, line, color, scale, and composition?
b. From where did they draw their stylistic inspiration?
c. Did the Mannerist artist you chose to write about “manner” the style of the High Renaissance artist you are comparing them with?
2. What role does cultural context play in the differences between these two artworks?
Please cite any sources you use in MLA format.
Helpful Tip
Be sure to apply specific art historical vocabulary (from the Glossary) in your essay.
In order to understand its significance, you may want to consider who commissioned the artwork and what its intended function was.
The Artworks chosen are Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, perhaps the Creation of Adam from the high renaissance and Last Judgment, fresco on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel from Mannerism movement. Same artist, two different styles in the same building.

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