Students will pick a juvenile court case and create a Presentation (through Powe

Students will pick a juvenile court case and create a Presentation (through PowerPoint, Canva, Prezi or a similar program) about said juvenile case, which will need to:
Identify the court case (5 pts)
            -What is the name of the case?
            -What year did it occur?
            -What was the premise of the case?
– Identify the juvenile, the juvenile’s offense, involvement previously with the juvenile justice system
Discuss the outcome of the case (5 pts)
            -How was it resolved? (dismissed, found to be delinquent, found not to be delinquent)
            -What was the disposition for this case?
-What were the implications of this case?
Identify any influential factors from the course that contributed to the crime/s (5 pts)
– Race, gender, gang affiliation, family dynamics, age of onset, socioeconomic status, mental health, school involvement, etc.
Identify at least one theory that can be used to help understand the youth’s behaviors and actions (5 pts)
-What is the premise of the theory?
-Why did the juvenile do what he/she did?
-How does this theory explain the juvenile’s behavior?
Using all the above information, develop a case management process for the case (10 pts)
-What would the student decide as a charge for the youth? (do you agree with the original charge, agree to a plea to a lesser charge, etc.)
            -Identify a pending hearing placement (detention, ERC, home, house arrest, etc.)
            -Identify if the student would pursue informally or formal route
            -Identify services required of youth (counseling, substance abuse treatment, etc.)
            -Identify the student’s recommendation for disposition and overall outcome
-How are these recommendations similar/different to the actual court process and outcome of the case?

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