Part 1: Course Project Template Complete the remaining categories in your Course

Part 1: Course Project Template Complete the remaining categories in your Course Project Template, which are listed below. Also, review your entire document, making modifications on your content based on instructor feedback and what you have learned throughout the course. Ensure that there is cohesion throughout the document. Executive Summary/Abstract. Provide a summary of the project in a single paragraph. Conclusion. Provide a conclusion to your document. Your executive summary and conclusion should total no more than 1–1.5 pages. References. All references are alphabetical, complete, and in APA format. Part 2: Presentation Using the content from your Course Project Template, create a 9–10-slide PowerPoint presentation (including title slide and reference slide) and record yourself delivering that presentation, either in screen-capture format (narrating from your computer as you navigate through the presentation) or video format (recording yourself delivering the presentation). You may use Capella-supported Kaltura Media or another technology of your choice that produces a shareable URL. Be sure your media formats are set so anyone with the URL is able to view the video. Synthesize the important points from your paper to your presentation in a concise, clear way. For reference, the content from each assessment should equal to 1–2 slides. Since you are presenting this information, your delivery should elaborate on your slide content, not repeat the content verbatim. Provide the audience with more information than what they would be able to read from the slides. If you are filming yourself delivering the presentation, consider the following: The instructor is able to view you delivering your presentation, and the camera is positioned so that you as the presenter are easily seen. You clearly communicate the content of the presentation to your intended audience. The instructor is able to hear your delivery well.

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