Paper 1 : (2 pages) Review the ISO standards and certification options for busin

Paper 1 : (2 pages)
Review the ISO standards and certification options for businesses using the links provided in this week’s readings. Write a proposal for a business (preferably your current organization) to seek ISO 27002:2022 certification. Provide business justification and develop an initial implementation plan. Answer questions such as what will be covered in the certification, policies to be written, and training to be provided within the organization.
This week’s readings:
ISO 27000:2018
ISO 27001:2013
ISO 27001:2022 (Not yet officially released)
ISO 27002:2022
See attached PowerPoint for reference. It was the class activity I did yesterday.
Paper 2 : (2 pages)
Showing initiative in the workplace is a prime reason why people receive promotions, get raises, and, in the case of interns, receive offers of full-time employment. In a 2-3 page APA-style paper, address the following. Support your work as appropriate with citations and references.
Describe 2-3 actions that you have taken in your internship workplace that demonstrated your initiative.
Have you offered to do something above and beyond your normal duties? Have you figured out a better way to do a common task? How did your supervisor or coworkers respond to your effort?
If you have difficulty identifying ways in which you have shown initiative, you may instead describe the performance of a co-worker or supervisor in your workplace who is a good example of a person who shows initiative and puts forth extra effort.
Identify some extra ways you might do your job more efficiently. These suggestions could be tasks that require higher-level skills than your job description requires.
Position: Senior Supervisor (Team lead)
Job description: Team management, payment system development with invoice process, provide feedback for photo upload system
Company: Zara (Fashion Industry)
Do these in order:
Please write and submit 2 pages separately!!
Both papers have to be included examples from google scholar
In correct APA format, write the citation.
Please submit the paper on time and make sure NO PLAGIARISM!!!

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