This journal measures your mastery of ULO 4.2. Secondary analysis of existing da

This journal measures your mastery of ULO 4.2. Secondary analysis of existing data collected by other researchers, for other purposes, offers researchers the potential to answer research questions without having to go through the process of collecting the data themselves. Based on your Unit III Assignment, address the prompts below. Identify a specific academic, governmental, or commercial source of quantitative secondary data that could be used to solve the problem you stated in Part 2 of the Unit III assignment. Provide reference information for this source. Describe how you will obtain access to the raw data. Explain why the data are suitable for addressing your research problem. List the limitations of using the data. This journal should be at least two pages in length, not counting the required references page. Please thoroughly address all areas listed above, and include at least two credible sources. An abstract is not required. Please use APA compliant headings and sub-headings that align with the individual assignment requirements. Adhere to APA Style, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. 1. Assignment says “2 pages” please go over the minimum (just a little bit) into the 3rd page. 2. Provide proof of not AI/Plagiarism 3. Use the attached file for reference to the Unit 3 assignment

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