Hello Class, One of my personal strengths related to professional presentations

Hello Class,
One of my personal strengths related to professional presentations is my ability to express myself clearly. This skill is very important when you are talking about the effect of technology on prenatal education, which is a very complicated subject. The information can be understood by both healthcare professionals and patients. This clarity allows people to make the right decisions that will result in good patient care and outcomes. To further enhance this strength, the process of continuous learning is of great importance. Participating in advanced communication workshops and getting feedback from peers on presentations can improve my skill at explaining complex data clearly and effectively (Seals et al., 2022). The main thing that should be improved in communication is clarity, in order to be sure that the results of the research are understood and applied correctly in clinical settings. This allows stakeholders to make decisions based on the information they have, which can result in better healthcare results.
On the other hand, a personal weakness I have is the anxiety that I feel when I have to give presentations. This anxiety, at times, can hamper my delivery, thus affecting the effectiveness of the presentation, especially in situations with high stakes. To overcome this weakness, I can be mindful of the techniques of stress and relaxation that I will be using before presentations, such as meditation or deep breathing. These techniques are useful for soothing nerves, increasing focus, and enhancing the overall presentation delivery. Growing the ability to manage anxiety is of great importance for career development. Confidence in the presentation can change the audience’s trust and engagement, which is very important in healthcare settings where the stakes involve the patients’ outcomes (Fisher et al., 2021).
Improving these presentation skills is directly linked to effectively communicating the findings of the study. In a population of pregnant women who are seeking antenatal care, how does the use of technology in prenatal education programs compare to traditional face-to-face education in influencing knowledge and pregnancy outcomes? The clarity of the effectiveness of technology in prenatal education can be enhanced, which in turn will encourage the adoption of it (Liew et al., 202). Thus, lessening presentation anxiety will make these findings be delivered confidently; thus, trust and further research into innovative educational methods in prenatal care will be encouraged. These advancements not only support the development of professionals but also increase the influence of research on the improvement of prenatal care practices.
Fisher, C., Flew, T., Park, S., Lee, J. Y., & Dulleck, U. (2021). Improving trust in news: Audience solutions. Journalism Practice, 15(10), 1497-1515. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17512786.2020.1787859
Liew, T. W., Tan, S. M., Yoo, N. E., Gan, C. L., & Lee, Y. Y. (2023). Let’s talk about Sex!: AI and relational factors in the adoption of a chatbot conveying sexual and reproductive health information. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 11, 100323. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2451958823000568
Seals, D. R. (2022). Talking the talk: tips for effective oral presentations in biomedical research. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 323(4), R496-R511. https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpregu.00179.2022
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