Assignment 2 Choose ONE of the following types of deviant behavior in American

Assignment 2
Choose ONE of the following types of deviant behavior in American society. embezzlement, political crimes, Internet fraud, illegal drug overdose, police misconduct, antisemitism, and medical malpractice,
1. Find out as much as possible about this form of deviance and describe it in a paragraph at the beginning of your work. Be as detailed as possible; use statistics new and old here to support your description.
2. New paragraph. Why does this deviance occur? Why do people engage in this deviance? Use information from your textbook and several other published sources here to discuss the factors responsible for this type of deviance. These are the social, economic, and political, situational factors that can give rise to this form of deviance.
3. New paragraph. Who are the alleged deviants? That is, who are the individuals or groups who typically commit this type of deviant behavior? Consider the social class, race, gender, and other features of the alleged deviance. Also, who are those who are affected by the alleged deviance?
4. New paragraph. Think about the theoretical frameworks discussed in class discussions—Strain, Control, Interactionist /Labeling Theory, Conflict & Feminist Theories. Use ONE of these to discuss why this form of deviance occurs. Use a new paragraph to discuss the theory first, then use another paragraph to explain how the theory will explain the form of deviant behavior.
5. New paragraph. What can you propose as possible remedies for the form of deviance? What can the government do about it? What can the public, or wider society do to help solve the problem? Finally, is there anything that individuals can do to help solve the problem?…

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