You will be surveying dairy, dairy substitutes, and juice products found in the

You will be surveying dairy, dairy substitutes, and juice products found in the supermarket and compare the calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus content in at least four (4) products. One product must be dairy milk. Other items could be almond milk, orange juice, fortified orange juice, soy milk, coconut milk, Sunny D, or any other juice.
After selecting the products, use the following questions to assess your supplement, then write a 1 page paper summarizing what you found. Include the nutrition facts labels of each of the 4 products with your paper.
Which item would you choose if you wanted to get the most micronutrient nutrition (calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus)?
Which has the least?
How many servings of the product you chose would you need to consume to meet the RDA for calcium (list the RDA in your answer)?
Do you think you are meeting your needs for calcium?
What could you do to increase your calcium intake?

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