You book chapter is expected to be suitable for readers at postgraduate level. I

You book chapter is expected to be suitable for readers at postgraduate level. It is expected to cover the main aspects in a style similar to that of your textbook chapters. Thus, detailed protocols and techniques may not be necessary unless directly relevant to architecture analysis and planning. This may need to do a comprehensive research of the topic of your choice, review literature, a structure design of your chapter before you start to write your chapter. For the study of computer networks, it is important to understand that RFCs are actually international standards for the Internet. Also, there are many other international standards relevant to networks, e.g., from ISO, IEEE, etc. Therefore, for computer networks, the best references are various RFCs and other international standards if available. If there is an RFC or other international standard for anything you discuss, use the RFC or standard as a reference other than citing third-party references that interpret the RFC from various perspectives. A good starting point is to have a look at various chapters of your textbook. You may like to do some research first, design a structure of your chapter, and then discuss your design with your lecturer before starting to write your chapter. For the topics on which we are Calling for Book Chapters, it is important to note that do not copy any references directly and paste them to your report, in whole or in part. You are expected to write your chapter in your own language and with your own descriptions of any of these references/standards. If any sentences are worth being pasted to your report, enclose them within quotation marks and cite the sources of references clearly and explicitly. For RFCs and other international standards that you use as references, interpret them in your own language as well.

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