You are hired to conduct a vulnerability, threat, and security assessment on a web application and submit your clear recommendation for corrective actions based on your assessment.
You are going to wrap up your work from the previous parts in Weeks 2, 4, and 6. These pieces will be combined with the one task below to make an overall complete Case Study/Lab Report.
Provide recommendations on mitigations that need to be put in place based on the Week 4 and Week 6 assignments.
Create a final completed Lab Report covering the following:
Introduction of the vulnerability site (business), what threats are against business and the effect is a web application is compromised (Week 2)
Vulnerability assessment (Week 4)
Penetration test (Week 6)
Recommendations for mitigations (Week 8)
Here is a link to OWASP top 10 and each will explain how to prevent each vulnerability and should be included in the recommendation section: OWASP Top Ten | OWASP Foundation
The final Lab Report document should be approximately 12-15 pages in length.
Submission Instructions: Be sure your paper covers ALL of the above requirements, and the following formatting requirements:
8 pages (double-spaced), excluding the title page, the abstract page (if included), and the references pages.
In addition to the required number of pages for the assignment, you must also Include title page, a reference page (bibliography), written in APA style, and a title page.
Use APA Style formatting in Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman styles.
Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others’ work must include attributions to the authors. Limit quotations to an average of no more than 15% of the paper, and use quotations sparingly!
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