Week 3: Supply, Demand, Tariffs, and Quotas Discuss the reasons why using trade

Week 3: Supply, Demand, Tariffs, and Quotas
Discuss the reasons why using trade barriers to enforce labor or environmental standards may be less efficient than other measures. If your last name begins with A-M, provide some arguments in favor of using trade barriers to enforce labor and environmental standards for the United States. If your last name begins with N-Z, respond to those arguments from the Chinese perspective. From both the U.S and the Chinese perspectives, suggest some alternatives to trade barriers that might be successful in enforcing international standards.
To earn full credit, post an initial response of 500 words that includes at least one APA citation and the associated reference and post a substantive response of 200 words that includes at least one APA citation and the associated reference to at least two class members.

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