watch a production on Broadway HD.   You are asked to compose, in your most comp

watch a production on Broadway HD.   You are asked to compose, in your most compelling and literate prose, a minimum-of-five-paragraph essay of theatrical criticism suitable for an upper-division composition course. 
It is expected that you will argue a minimum of three critical contentions you hold about each chosen production.  That is, you are asked to evaluate a minimum of three aspects of ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS:  performance, directing (or directing/choreography), sets, lights, costumes, hair and makeup, sound design, and/or the thematic substance of each production you choose, or the script for the production.  YOU MUST MENTION THE NAMES OF THE ARTISTS AND IN WHAT CAPACITY THEY SERVED.
Each essay should have an appropriate title, a well-considered and well-articulated introductory paragraph that accomplishes the three goals of an opening paragraph discussed online, a minimum of three well-argued body paragraphs, an effective conclusion, and should follow the writing rubric and other course guides and materials. 
Assignments for this course are intended to provide you with both a theoretical and practical understanding of writing for and about the theatre. You will bring your own style, interests, and voice to these assignments. Assignments will be submitted via Turnitin, email or our Canvas course site, as specified by the instructor.
 Unless otherwise specified, all assignments should be typed, double-spaced, in standard font, and professionally presented including accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. All assignments must follow MLA guidelines for style, citations, and references (when applicable). A paper that does not follow these conventions will be either returned to the student for no credit or will receive a significant grade reduction.
ALL written assignments MUST use proper rules of English grammar and syntax. If you do not use proper grammar and syntax, the highest grade you can receive for an assignment is a C-.  English grammar and syntax MUST BE FOLLOWED in all assignments and on all correspondence in the course. This includes emails to your professor. Always remember that this is a COLLEGE COURSE and you are not text messaging a friend. All the following rules of proper English grammar and syntax including, but not limited to, the following must be adhered to:
– All sentences must begin with a capital letter and end with an appropriate punctuation mark.
– All proper nouns must be capitalized (including, but not limited to, proper names and the pronoun “I”).
– The word “you” MUST ALWAYS be spelled out.
– No texting lingo or abbreviations allowed (such as lol, jk, idk, rofl).
– All sentences must have a subject and a verb.
– Titles of plays, books, movies, songs, etc., must ALWAYS be italicized or in quotes.
– Spelling DOES count.
– Proper punctuation MUST be used for all contractions (i.e. don’t, can’t, I’m, I’d, shouldn’t, etc.).
(i have a sample paper for the Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill production i’ve already submitted)

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