Using at least two sources from your research and one source from this module’s

Using at least two sources from your research and one source from this module’s readings and resources, address all of the following:
*Country: The Marshall Islands
What unique contribution to modern technology has your country made in the last 3-5 years?
How has that unique contribution to modern technology impacted the culture of your country?
How has your country’s unique contribution to modern technology impacted other parts of the world?
In prior modules, we learned about globalization and how globalization impacts many aspects of a country’s culture, including its technologies. How has globalization impacted the modern-day technologies used by your country? How have technologies developed around the world impacted the culture of your country?
As a reminder, in addressing these prompts, you will cite at least one relevant source from this module’s readings and resources and at least two sources from your research. Be sure to cite all three total sources using an in-text citation in your post and to include all three sources below your post in a “References” section in APA format.

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