To prepare for the FINAL, please read the three articles below. They are ALL imp

To prepare for the FINAL, please read the three articles below. They are ALL important to the upcoming prompt.
FYI…a plagiarism check is in effect for this Final Paper. Please use spell check and any citing/plagiarism check programs that you can to insure that all writing and citing are done correctly.
Paper: Application of Knowledge
1. Select one (1) NCAA OR (1) NAIA college program which has experienced sanctions in
the last 5 years. Describe the issue(s).
2. The NCAA and NAIA have rules which govern recruiting and boosters. Applying knowledge from the SMU
Death Penalty case (Lawson, 2021), what would/could/should have been the outcome of your selected school? Make a comparison/contrast with the SMU case. Defend/Justify your response.
3. Defend/Refute the sanctions of your selected program based on current existing NCAA and NAIA regulations. Justify your response.
4. Incorporate all three provided sources PLUS one additional source (ie the textbook, an article from a journal or website, a book).
This paper must be at least three (3) pages and no more than seven (7) pages. Make sure to have in-text citations and a reference page following APA guidelines.

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