Title is WEBSITE USABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY. As a consumer of the web, you have

As a consumer of the web, you have undoubtedly visited websites that expertly organize and deliver information so that users of all ages, abilities, and disabilities are able to navigate the site and conduct the business or complete the task that brought them to the site in the first place. You have likely encountered a few websites that did just the opposite and serve as cautionary tales of ill-conceived design. Many people can intuitively categorize a website as “good” or “bad,” but underlying principles of usability and accessibility are at work, as presented in your text.
For this Discussion, you will search for a professional website that exemplifies good design and locate a second website that exemplifies bad design. If possible, identify two websites you would consider to be the extremes on the spectrum—the uniformly best and worst websites—based on the design standards presented in the Learning Resources. Limit your website choices to professional websites that are appropriate for the classroom setting.
Identify one professional website that exemplifies good design and a second website that exemplifies bad design.
Provide the URLs of the websites and briefly describe each.
Explain why you chose these specific websites, citing the resources and/or other appropriate research about the best practices of usability and accessibility.
Include screenshots of the sites that support your claims.
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