Tiered Polyester Diminishment Numeric Targets for Polyester Reduction (created b

Tiered Polyester Diminishment
Numeric Targets for Polyester Reduction (created by our think tank):40% total reduction by 2030
70% total reduction by 2040
90% total reduction by 2050
100% elimination by 2060
Additional Statistics from Textile Exchange:Increase the market share of recycled polyester from 14% in 2019 to 45% by 2025.
Polyester accounted for 52% of the global fiber market in 2020.
In the US, just over 13% of clothes were recycled in 2018.
More than 11 million tonnes of clothing are incinerated or dumped in the US every year.
Only about 0.5% of the global fiber market comes from pre and post-consumer recycled textiles.
Contextual Information:These targets are part of Step 2, which involves tiered polyester diminishment.
The targets are proposed for the fashion industry as a whole, with additional reduction targets potentially necessary for specific sectors such as fast fashion.
Emphasize the significance of these targets in the broader context of achieving sustainability in the fashion industry.
Additional Points:Emphasize the importance of these targets as part of a structured approach towards sustainability.
Mention the need for legislative and enforcement mechanisms to support these targets.
Emphasize the role of consumers in driving change and achieving these reduction goals.

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