Throughout this course, you have studied numerous topics relating to assessment

Throughout this course, you have studied numerous topics relating to assessment and research.
Research findings support a positive relationship between a student’s ability to self-reflect on
their learning experience and improvements in academic performance (Lew & Schmidt, 2011).
Further research reports that doctoral students found the reflection process helpful, especially
regarding the impact of their learning (Klenowski, n.d.). The purpose of this assignment is for
you to analyze your learning experience as it relates to your educational journey, others, your
growth in the field of special education, and your overall professional understanding of content.
Answer the questions in the provided Course Reflection Template. Reflect on the knowledge,
concepts, and skills you learned throughout this course, then analyze their importance.
Synthesize how you can utilize the course information and what more you need to learn.
Provide a word count for each question as well as a total word count for all answers. This
assignment should contain a total of at least 800 words.
Note:PLEASE use the template

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