This is the fifth of a series of podcasts you will summarize as a graded assignm

This is the fifth of a series of podcasts you will summarize as a graded assignment (others are also available for extra credit). You may choose to summarize one of two options: one is on climate anxiety and the other is on how natural selection has made it harder to fight the malaria mosquito, especially in light of climate change.
Your summary should be between 300 and 500 words (1-1.5 pages, 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman) and should include the main points you hear in this podcast. Please include:
1) Three key points;
2) Something that is a novelty for you;
3) The short, take-home message;
3) Your personal take on this podcast.
Podcast link option 1: Feeling Doomed? How to Tackle Climate Anxiety | How to Save a Planet…
Podcast link option 2: Why Our Brains Don’t Care About Climate Change Enough | The Happiness Lab
Option 1 summary:…
“We’re all doomed.” If you’ve ever thought this to yourself while looking down at the remnants of your paper straw floating in your plastic coffee cup (just me?), you may be experiencing climate anxiety. Climate feelings, like anxiety and grief, are on the rise all over the world. And researcher Britt Wray started feeling them herself when she was newly married and started thinking about having children. So she started to study these feelings to learn more about the roots of her climate anxiety, how common it was, and why learning to cope with it is an important step towards taking climate action.

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