This is a discussion post AND two responses. I want the discussion to be at leas

This is a discussion post AND two responses. I want the discussion to be at least 400 words, and each response 275+words
I will provide the responses to be responded to. Please add to the discussion and do not do heavy critiquing of their posts. The idea is to build upon their ideas.
Only use information in the materials provided.
Read Mission Command Lesson
Read Operation Nashville
Read 1-16 – 1-14
Review the assignment discussions and please adhere strictly to the guidelines.
After reviewing all resource requirements, identify and give a brief explanation of ALL principles of Mission Command in the case study of Operation NASHVILLE, Breaking the Taliban’s Stranglehold in Kandahar, 2010
More additional notes on the posts:
Please focus on ALL principles of mission command. It says that it needs to be 250 words, but I would like at least 400 please. Do not count salutations as part of word count for any posts. Only use one scholarly reference. 275+word responses please.
All principles of mission command must be addressed and demonstrating knowledge and understanding of each. The seven principles are: Principles, Competence, Mutual Trust, Shared understanding, Commander’s Intent, Mission orders, Disciplined Initiative, Risk acceptance

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