The student will be required to complete a makeup assignment that will replace t

The student will be required to complete a makeup assignment that will replace the clinical hours missed. The clinical assignment will include a research paper that is a minimum of 5 pages, APA 7th edition format (not including the title and reference pages) on a Medical/Surgical clinical topic of the student’s choosing. This topic must be approved by the clinical instructor or lead faculty for the course.
At least 2 evidence-based articles need to be included from a peer-reviewed nursing journal in the references along with other reputable sources of information (not Wikipedia or random websites). The paper should include medications, laboratory values, the pathophysiology of the topic, and the integration of the nursing process and QSEN.
The clinical instructor will provide a due date and time for this assignment to be completed, they will also grade the assignment.
Students must achieve a minimum of 80% to pass and satisfy the clinical absence requirement.
This assignment is to be submitted to the “missed clinical assignment” section in Canvas and will automatically be submitted to Turnitin.

Needs Improvement
Meets expectations
Spelling & Grammar
Major spelling and grammar errors
(0-5 points)
Minor spelling and grammar errors
(5-8 points)
No spelling errors and grammar is at the graduate level
(8-10 points)
APA Style and Page Minimum (5 pages)
Major APA formatting errors with paper or reference page and less than 5 pages (not including the title and reference page).
(0-5 points)
Minor APA formatting errors with paper or reference page and is at least 5 pages (not including the title and reference page).
(5-10 points)
The paper and reference page strictly adhere to APA style formatting and is at least 5 pages (not including the title and reference page). (10-15 points)
Quality of Evidence
Evidence is based on non-peer-reviewed sources or sources that are outdated
(0-10 points)
Evidence is based on less than 2 current (within the past 5 years) peer-reviewed research articles.
(10-15 points)

Evidence is based on 2 current (within the past 5 years) peer-reviewed research articles.
(15-25 points)
Focus of Content

The pathophysiology of the topic is not adequately reviewed. There is no integration of the nursing process or QSEN strategies in the assignment (0-10 points).
The pathophysiology of the topic is briefly reviewed with the integration of QSEN strategies and the nursing process. (10-15 points)
The pathophysiology of the topic is thoroughly reviewed with the integration of QSEN strategies and the nursing process.
(15-25 points)
Medications and Labs
Medications and Lab values associated with the chosen topic are not reviewed.
(0-10 points)
Medications and Lab values associated with the chosen topic are briefly reviewed.
(10-15 points)
Medications and

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