The first page contains the logo with the project name and includes register and login
Once you write the data in it, it is saved in localhost/ my admin. Once we record the data, including the name, password, password confirmation, and other data, it takes us to a second page.
The logo and name must be present on all pages
It contains the home and camps and their pictures with the price, reservation, confirmation of reservation, payment, and exit
The camp contains pictures of camps with the price, and if a person wants to rent a camp, he just clicks, then he presses confirm, and then the data goes to localhost, saves it, and goes to home, and then there is a box that takes you back to home to set logout.
Then he goes to rent, enters and chooses the payment method, and the payment money is returned, and the full amount is calculated with the payment method and the camp site, and this data is entered in the local host, the same thing, after that the payment is made and the reservation is confirmed, and you must receive a message that the camp has been booked, which includes pictures of the camps with the price and If a person wants to rent a camp, he clicks on it and then clicks confirm and writes the date of reservation and the period when, and the following data is transferred to localhost, saved and goes home.
I will add a picture of the program I want to use
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