The final project includes three deliverables: Both of your Portfolio Milestones

The final project includes three deliverables:
Both of your Portfolio Milestones’ submissions combined into one document
Development of an algorithm
A Word document
For your algorithm design:
Algorithms appear almost everywhere in life. For example, a store clerk uses an algorithm with tasks such as scanning items, bagging groceries, and accepting your payment. Other algorithms, such as those that make up computer operating systems, are much more complex. In general, the goal of algorithm design is to complete a job in fewer steps. From what you have learned in the course, use critical thinking to create your own algorithm to complete a computing task. You can use C++, Java, or Python3 to create your algorithm.
Remove unwanted comments
Use proper logic
Use fast calculating iterations
Have a clear plan before creating the algorithm
Make it small
Make it efficient
For your Word document:
There are four steps to algorithm methodology.
In a 3-4-page paper, discuss your algorithm design in relation to these four steps. Describe how you went through each step of the methodology to create your algorithm.
Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length (excluding cover page and references).
You must include a minimum of three credible, academic or professional references beyond the text or other course materials. The CSU Global Library is a great place to find these references. You can access the CSU Global Writing Center and Library by selecting “Library” on the Canvas left-hand navigation panel.
Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
Create a Zip file that includes all three requirements and upload that one zip file for grading.

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