The ethical dimensions of this week’s discussion involve the rights of a minor p

The ethical dimensions of this week’s discussion involve the rights of a minor patient and the role and responsibilities healthcare team members have in providing care. Click the video below to watch this Practice and Principle episode.
How might the statement, “What may be an ethical dilemma for one registered nurse may not be an ethical dilemma for another registered nurse.” apply to this episode? Define the term ethical dilemma in your response.
Apply the framework of The Five R’s approach (Recognize, Reflect, Resolve, Respond, Reflect on Outcomes) to ethical nursing practice from this week’s reading to answer the questions about values and choices. In your posts, feel free to agree, disagree, question, compare, and discuss each other’s responses in a way that fosters thoughtful and respectful dialog.
What are values?
Q. What are your core values?
Q. Why do you value them?
Q. What are the values in your society?
Q. How do your core values impact your personal choices?
What are the limits to personal choice?
Q. Who or what limits your choices?
Q. Do you find limits to choices to be beneficial or harmful? Explain why.
Q. Should a health care organization or the government limit people’s choices? If so, how and under what circumstances?

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