Synthesis Essay A minimum of four sources required: At least three scholarly art

Synthesis Essay
A minimum of four sources required:
At least three scholarly articles from academic journals
A source of your choice.
All sources should appear on your MLA Works Cited page. If you are unsure how to cite a particular source, be sure to ask.
At least two sources should be cited in each body paragraph.
Effective essays always include the following elements:
An engaging title
An attention-grabbing hook at the beginning of your introduction
A strong, concise, arguable thesis statement or controlling idea
Unified body paragraphs that explicitly support your thesis and include clear topic sentences and vivid supporting details, examples, or illustrations
Quotations that are seamlessly integrated and accurately cited
Conclusions that go beyond just “restating your thesis” to offer a call to action, an explanation of why your topic is timely or important, or a reminder of why your topic matters personally to your reader

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