Suggestions regarding the format and content organization: Use numbers or bullet

Suggestions regarding the format and content organization:
Use numbers or bullets to list each best practice. This provides clarity to your message and to your recommendations. Provide an explanation followed by an in-text citation. For example:
Use VNP: This is important because…. Etc (source,year)

Explanations regarding the general importance and definition of SSH and RDP can be provided in the Introduction/Background section. This serves as preamble to the topic. You can discuss other concepts related to remote access control as well.
Insert a caption below each figure and ensure you discuss the figure in the text. For example: Figure 1. Account Creation can be the caption for Figure 1. Then in the text, you discuss Figure 1. Ex: Figure 1 shows the Student1 account creation using bla bla…
In general, ensure your report flows easily and is well organized. Be consistent with your format/font throughout. Can your audience easily (technical or non-technical) follow your message?
The above is applicable to all the project reports in this course. Remember, you are not only learning technical stuff but also practicing your written communication skills.

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