Submit a discussion post that will critically reflect on the readings, lectures,

Submit a discussion post that will critically reflect on the readings, lectures, and videos to answer the following/questions prompts:
Provide a succinct outline (major changes) of the history of web technologies from 1989 to present.
Explain how the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has impacted the evolution of developing open web standards.
Explain the impact that a major evolution of one technology has had on you personally
The initial and secondary posts should be substantive and a minimum of two paragraphs in length (200 to 600 words).
Richter, J. (2022, March 16). History & definition of web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 – a comprehensive review – viral solutions. Viral Solutions.
World Wide Web Foundation. (2021). History of the WebLinks to an external site. World Wide Foundation
Cuomo, S. (2020, February 28). History of Mobile WebDevelopment and the Rise of PWALinks to an external site.. This Dot.
Vasquez, E. (2024). Lecture 4: A Brief History of Web Technologies. Retrieved from
World Wide Web Foundation. (2022). History of the Web. Retrieved from…

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