SOLUTIONS PROJECT Articulate an informed vision on future research ideas AND str

Articulate an informed vision on future research ideas AND structural solutions to your social problem. Find one country that is doing well in solving or reducing your social problem and figure out the ways in which they are going about solving or reducing this social problem. How are they making a significant impact? Find the programs or policies that are working by finding 2 scholarly peer reviewed sources (preferably sociology or criminology, but not mandatory). You may also use the country’s government websites as sources.
Create a 5-10 minute video (preferred) or prezi presentation. Explain both your literature review (social problem in the U.S.), and your structural solutions (country and policies or programs). You will present these to the class in a forum and every student will peer review 3 projects.

1.) Present your social problem in the US. Give an overall summary of what you learned and presented in your literature review. Give statistics to help us understand why this is an important social problem.
2.) Present your solution country. Give an overall summary of what you learned and what they are doing to reduce/solve the social problem. Give statistics that show us the difference between this country and the US, in regards to your social problem.
3.) Be very specific and give 2-3 structural solutions to your social problem (remember structural change comes from institutions – not individuals).
4.) Post your project in the assignment link as well as the Peer Review Forum. Make sure it is in a format everyone can access easily. Submit a reference page of your Solutions resources.

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