So, you’ve selected and researched your client(Cellphone repair Store). You have

So, you’ve selected and researched your client(Cellphone repair Store). You have some thoughts in your head as to what would help them out. Now, it’s time to plan it out! List out the different items or deliverables that you will provide to your client. Provide ALL the information listed below for full credit.
An overview of the projectClient name
Specific product or event you are working on
Your main audience for the marketing (is this for elementary kids, adults only, senior citizens, etc.). Be as specific as possible.
Any theme, motto, color scheme or other overall factors for the campaign.
A description of each item or deliverable for your clientWhat it is
When it will be released/published
Where it will be released/published
Using the examples from the “Choose Your Client” assignment, here’s an example:
ABC Theater Company has three performances of a comedy show over Labor Day weekend. The show, “ABCs of Love” is meant for an adult audience because of some swearing and sexual themes. They have asked me to make sure to request no young children attend. They also provided me with a logo and a main color of purple to use in all my deliverables.Flyer – I will create an 11×17 print flyer to post in local stores, community centers, post offices, etc. This will be printed and posted by Aug. 1.
Two Facebook/Instagram posts – the first will be a general announcement and description of the show, and will be posted the same day as the flyers on Aug. 1. The second round of posts will be one week before opening night.
News article – I will write this and send it to two local newspapers two weeks before opening night.
Banner – the ABC Theater Company owns a small billboard and I will create something similar to the flyer to post there by Aug. 5.

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