So I already finished my final paper but I feel like the study pool person didn’

So I already finished my final paper but I feel like the study pool person didn’t do it too well! **TOPIC: Mental health (Depression & Anxiety) for Younger Adults in Virginia*** I have done each section with comments from my professor so you can add and edit for me. I will include each section so that you can put it all together in one final research paper. REMEMBER TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND RUBRICS
Directions: The culminating experience is to write a major integrative research paper on a Public Health topic of your choice. You will analyze your health topic using relevant and credible sources to describe the epidemiology of the issue, analyze best practices and historic lessons regarding programs and interventions aimed at addressing the issue, and articulate and apply public health approaches aimed at prevention and control of the issue, including the ethical implications of such interventions. The paper, which will be completed in four assignments (sections I-IV), will be approximately 15-17 pages in length, double-spaced, in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, include at least 15 scholarly sources (and reference page, NOT included in the 15-17 page requirement), and use proper APA style throughout, including citations WITHIN THE TEXT OF THE PAPER (author/organization, year of publication) and SUBHEADINGS. Each assignment will undergo peer review. Please utilize peer-reviewed professional journal articles—if you are unsure about which resources to use, please ask (Wikipedia will NOT be accepted). Content, quality of writing, and grammar will be considered during grading.
Section I: Introduction
A. Identify the Public Health topic and Target population
Applicable Healthy People 2030 goals and objectives
Problem Statement (why is this a problem?)
Describe the epidemiological concepts, methods, and strategies related to your Public Health issue and target population
Define the Theoretical Framework
Name and cite specific theory
State how the specific constructs match the variables/subtopics discussed in section II
Discuss how other researchers/studies have utilized this theory for this same topic and target population
Explain the Purpose and Significance of this investigation (what is being studied? and Justification/Rationale)
Section II: Literature Review
Analyze your Public Health topic and target population utilizing relevant and credible literature
Elaborate on Public Health topic and Target population with explanation of related subtopics (Subheadings, explaining topic, variables, and related subtopics (broad to narrow subheadings))
Explain the concepts of community, public health, and health policies affecting your Public Health topic and target population
Critically analyze and evaluate best practices and historic lessons regarding programs and interventions addressing the Public Health issue and target population (successes and failures in Public Health interventions)
Section III: Intervention
Describe the Community-Based Connection organization’s overview (mission, vision, strategic goals) and intervention aspects related to the selected capstone topic and population
Articulate and apply Public Health prevention approaches and initiatives aimed at the capstone issue
Explain the product you developed or the significant Public Health change you made for the organization related to the capstone topic and population
Identify and explain one behavior change theory or model AND operationalize the constructs to correspond with components of the Public Health product or significant change
Describe how biopsychosocial perspectives are integrated (multiple dimensions of health and wellness AND the levels of intervention according to the Socio-Ecological Model)
Identify which level of prevention the Public Health intervention targets: primary, secondary, and/or tertiary
Section IV: Discussion
Provide a summary of your experiences with the Community-Based Connection organization and development of your product or significant contribution
Assess the ethical considerations of the Public Health issue, target population, and Public Health intervention discussed in section III (e.g., confidentiality, informed consent, benefits, risks)
Describe the health implications and challenges (application and summary)
Make recommendations for future research and practice
Section V: References (APA format)

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