Skill: Use and understand the language and process of critiquing artworks Exerci

Skill: Use and understand the language and process of critiquing artworks
Exercise: Go through the process of critiquing art: Describe, Analyze, Interpret and Summarize.
Assignment: Submit a detailed writeup about one of your fellow artists’ works. Go through the critiquing art process.
Be sure to describe the work.
Analyze the visual elements.
Interpret these visual element and what they mean to you.
Summarize your conclusions about the artwork.
Be sure to include a paragraph on each: Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Summary
Use the Critiquing Art Lecture and Document as a guide for writing about one work of art in the presentation.
Select the drawing in the from the student work.
Review the lecture Download lectureand document Download documenton critiquing art and go through the process for the selected drawing.
We will have a discussion and writing assignment on Tuesday. Be prepared to back up your statements using your visual vocabulary.
Note: Remember we assume the artist has purposefully depicted everything we see. Imagine walking into a gallery or museum and seeing the artwork displayed. Take the time to look and consider what visceral response you have to the artwork.

Posted in Art

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