Select one person from your life who has seen multiple decades of technological

Select one person from your life who has seen multiple decades of technological change. This might be a family member, such as a grandparent, or a colleague in a senior leadership role at work.
Develop a set of 5-10 interview questions to ask your participant. Your questions should ask this participant about the changes they have seen throughout their lives due to modern technologies. You may tailor your questions to that individual participant’s life experiences.
Interview your participant with your 5-10 interview questions. Take notes of their responses.
After your interview, reflect on what you learned. What are three key takeaways from your interview? Incorporate at least one source from our Module 8 Readings and Resources in your reflection with an appropriate in-text citation.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or descriiption). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Submit a document of at least 500 words that includes the 5-10 interview questions, notes from the responses to those questions, and your reflection. You should use APA formatting guidelines for your in-text citation and include a corresponding “References” page.

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