Rubric for final paper: Philosophy of Recreation This paper will need to be 3-5

Rubric for final paper: Philosophy of Recreation
This paper will need to be 3-5 pages in length, in APA format. You will need to use at least 2 external, credible sources to cite in your paper.
This paper should demonstrate your ability to think critically about theoretical leisure and recreation concepts, and how they influence your views of recreation and its purpose both personally and professionally. Philosophy: the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience.
Paper should include:
Title Page, page numbers
Headings/Subheadings throughout main content
References Page properly formatted (at least 2 credible reference sources)
Content of paper:
Philosophy of Recreation and Leisure
-Personal Philosophy
–Find parallels between your recreational experiences and philosophical concepts discussed in class and explain how they relate (philosophical concepts: leisure as connection, recreation and mental health, recreation serving a community, leisure and mental health, the value recreation adds to one’s life, tourism and hospitality utilizing leisure, outdoor adventure, value recreation adds to special populations, challenges and risks in recreation, etc.). Personally, what are your feelings on the field of recreation and the value it adds to ones life? What are your views on recreation from a micro stand point…how it impacts individual lives and how it has impacted your life.
–Example: Discuss how the idea of recreation serving a community and meeting needs that no one else meets was impactful for you growing up as this was true of your community.
–Example: Discuss how you have seen personally the positive mental health or physical health impacts of recreation.
–Example: Discuss the special population that you or your family are part of and how recreation served a specific benefit for that population.
-Professional Philosophy
–Discuss what you think the roles of recreation and leisure services play for individuals, groups,communities, and society as a whole. You are to do this from the perspective of a professional working in the rec industry, looking at the vocational field of recreation as a whole. Identify the benefits of recreation and leisure for individuals, groups, communities, and society. Be sure to include some of the special populations discussed in class. Look for parallels between social needs and leisure benefits and explain how they relate. For example, your social issue could be obesity, or mental health, then identify the benefit rec/leisure can have on this social issue (i.e., exercise improves mood, joining a community center offers options for physical movement, which decreases obesity, etc.). Who’s job or responsibility is it to meet these needs and provide these services? Where does the funding come from? What kind of training does someone need to provide these services? Is the government responsible? Private companies? Etc.? What value does it add to society? Vocationally, how would you describe the role of recreation in society? What is your philosophy of recreation from a macro standpoint, thinking bigger picture. What impact can it have on larger communities or society as a whole. Who should be funding and administering programs? Who should have access? Is recreation worth investing in? Should programs be non-profit or for profit?
–Example: Discuss the benefit of recreation to communities, and who you feel is responsible for funding these programs.
–Example: Discuss what social needs the field of recreation meets for people, and why this an important field for our country and world as a whole.
–Example: Provide evidence that there should be government funding for non-profits providing rec services…OR…provide evidence that it should all be privatized and for profit.

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