Review the Week 6 Dataset [JASP], which includes 95 cases. The two variables are

Review the Week 6 Dataset [JASP], which includes 95 cases. The two variables are types of intervention program (parenting classes or family therapy) and subsequent status in the child welfare system (no suspicion of abuse or neglect or suspicion of abuse or neglect). Review the JASP Tutorial Video: Chi-Square Test of IndependenceLinks to an external site., which demonstrates a chi-square test of independence. Now, complete the following in a one-page, APA-formatted paper: Conduct a chi-square test on the dataset to determine if one program had better outcomes than the others. Include a copy of JASP output. Provide the result of the statistical analysis. Was there a significant association between type of program and subsequent status in the child welfare system? Write a narrative explaining the implications of the findings for future programming and funding priorities. What are the potential limitations of the program evaluation results?

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