Prompt: For this essay, use the analytical method to explore two works of scienc

For this essay, use the analytical method to explore two works of science fiction – one film and one short story. Situate your analysis within the context of contemporary philosophical questions about the main issue. Choose an option you did not do for Essay 5,
Option 1 – Becoming Posthuman
Philosophical Reading: George J. Annas, “The Man on the Moon”
Film: Gattaca
Stories (Choose 1): Edmond Hamilton, “The Man Who Evolved”(1931), Clifford D. Simak, “Desertion”(1944), Frank Herbert, “Seed Stock”(1970),
Option 2 – Responding to Disaster
Philosophical Reading: Michael Stevenson, “Hope and Despair: Philosophical Considerations for Uncertain Times”Links to an external site.
Film: Children of Men
Stories (Choose 1): H. G. Wells, “The Star” (1897), Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains”(1950), J. G. Ballard, “The Cage of Sand”(1962), Octavia E. Butler, “Speech Sounds”(1983)
All stories (except for Bradbury, 1952) are from the following source (fill in the template):
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. “Title of Story.” The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction, edited by Arthur B. Evans, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., Joan Gordon, Veronica Hollinger, Rob Latham, and Carol McGuirk, Wesleyan University Press, 2010, pp. xx–xx.
The Method for Analysis Slide Presentation
The essay involves two drafts with peer review.
The first draft should be a complete draft this time.
The essay should be between 1,200-1,500 words (5-6 pages double-spaced).
The essay should use MLA format for in-text citations and Works Cited list.
The essay should include a heading, title, and page numbers.
The essay should be double-spaced with indented paragraphs.
The essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
The introduction should (1) build shared context with the reader, (2) pose a problem, and (3) offer a thesis with a clear, arguable claim.
Your paragraphs should show evidence of effective paragraph structure (topic sentences, restrictions/restatements, illustrations, explanations), coherence/cohesion, and handling of sources (summary, paraphrase, and quotation with citation).
I already did option 1 for essay 5, so the only option left is responding to disaster (option 2). I have attached my work for Essay 5, please do a similar style for the analysis. The main feedback from essay 5 is to use direct quotes from the movie to prove my points more but everything else was perfect and lived up to their expectations. I also attached here the different stories for the assignment, please only use the attached files because they are extracts from larger texts so if you use a quote, make sure it can be found in the story I attached. There was a presentation the professor presented about methods of analysis which I will also attach. The link for the philosophical reading is this:
Please do no hesitate to contact me for any questions or clarifications

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