Project: Ideas for project: Standardized testing in other language- sp for math

Ideas for project:
Standardized testing in other language- sp for math and science, not for ELA]
Run mock classroom
Case scenarios / case study (student arrives from guatemala and has to el ELL testing)
Open project with another language and provide translation
Each classmate has a profile of a student they have to impersonate
Focus on solutions! Who are the radicals doing the work? And resistance
What are the acts of resistance? Community can pull together but who are they?
Toward and Ethnic Studies Pedagogy: Implications for K-12 Schools from the Research by Tintiangco-Cubales, 2015
A case for Decentering Whiteness in Education by Jaimie Utt, 2018
Decolonizing Professional Development: A Rehumanzing Approach by Anita Fernandez, 2019
Developing Critical Consciousness: Resistance Literature in a Chicano Literature Class by Curtis Acosta, 2007
Ít is certainly strange”… ätatcks on ethnic studies and whiteness as property by Richard Orozco, 2011

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