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**The material we read in class has been attached. Here is also one we read online.…
In UNIT 2 we encountered perspectives from classic and contemporary ethnomusicology seeking to understand the role music plays in shaping our societies and our selves, including through the “games students play” at places like Berklee. Reflecting on how your own sense of self has been shaped by music, compose a short essay of 3-4 pages (~750-1000 words), drawing on pertinent class readings and personal experiences.
Please frame your reflections using some of the terms we’ve encountered over the last unit. (For full credit, you should cite authors we have read and any pertinent concepts they discuss, connecting these to your own personal perspective: try to weave at least 3 or 4 terms from this glossary into your essay.) For instance, how have your “musical habits” — in Turino’s terms — been shaped by your various musical cohorts? (And what are they?) How has this experience informed your sense of self and identity relative to the wider culture(s) that shape these ideas?
You’ve all ended up in a context where your musical talent has been endorsed, and have chosen to develop your skills within an academic or conservatory setting. How do the ideas of Blacking or Small about musicality and musicking relate to your own personal trajectory and outlook? Or, in Wilf’s formulation, what kinds of “technologies of the listening self” have you used in your practice as a musician-in-formation?
You could also consider, via Bohlman, the ways that your sense of (musical) self has also been shaped in relation to ideas about musical or cultural otherness. Have you experienced a similar sense of “cultural critique” — learning about yourself by observing another — in your encounters with “other” music or “foreign” musical cultures?
and here is the term chart
The following terms are from the readings by Turino, Blacking, Small, Wilf, and Bohlman, These brief definitions are meant to help you think through how to use them in your reflective essay.
“Musical Self” Glossary
Habit – “the tendency toward the repetition of any particular behavior, thought, or reaction in similar circumstances or in reaction to similar stimuli in the present and future based on such repetitions in the past” (Turino, 95)
Self – your body plus “the total set of habits specific to an individual that develop through the ongoing interchanges of the individual with her physical and social surroundings” (Turino, 95)
Identity – “the partial selection of habits and attributes used to represent oneself to oneself and to others by oneself and by others”; “the emphasis on certain habits and traits is relative to specific situations” (Turino, 95)
Cultural cohort – “social groupings that form along the lines of specific constellations of shared habit based in similarities of parts of the self” (Turino, 111)
Cultural formation – “a group of people who have in common a majority of habits that constitute most parts of each individual member’s self” (Turino, 111); e.g. nation, region, family
within a formation, cohorts are distinguished by “emphasis and development of selected habits”
Musicality – differs from society to society, but Blacking suggests that rather than a more limited view of musical talent belonging only to a select few, we might consider a broader definition of musicality, e.g. “the capacity to listen and distinguish patterns of sound” (Small, 8) or “to perform and listen intelligently” (4)
Musicking – “to take part, in any capacity, in a musical performance, whether by performing, by listening, by rehearsing or practicing, by providing material for the performance (composing), or by dancing.” … or “to pay attention in any way to a musical performance” (Small, 9)
Technologies of the Listening Self – self-fashioning via self-mastery and self-knowledge “in view of specific ends” (Wilf, 193), including via “games of truth” and other “micropractices”
Cultural Critique – “turning beyond one’s familiar world to learn something about oneself by observing another.” (Bohlman, 138) ) or “using portraits of other cultural patterns to reflect self-critically on our own ways” (143)
Requirements: 750-1000 Words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
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